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Family Workshops

Save for College Program Information Sessions

The NYC Kids RISE Save for College Program provides families, schools, and communities with a way to work together to save for their children’s futures. It is a scholarship and savings program designed to make college and career training more accessible for public school students by building financial assets and expectations of success, starting in kindergarten.

This year, every kindergarten and first grade student enrolled in an NYC public school (including participating charter schools) is eligible* to participate, regardless of family income or immigration status.

Attend an Information Session to learn about the Program, the benefits for your child, and how your family can participate!

Parent University

Explore FREE courses, resources, and events!
Parent University is designed to empower you as an advocate and partner in your child’s education. All New York City parents and family members are welcome to enroll!

How to register:

1. Visit
2. Sign in with your NYC Schools Account or create a new account
3. Choose a course from the Course Catalog tab
4. Click Enroll
5. Check your email for confirmation!

Visit us on Instagram or Twitter!

Contact Us


Tel: 718-653-0835

Fax: 718-231-2863


980 Mace Avenue

Bronx NY, 10469

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