High School Information Session
Will your child be entering high school in fall 2022? If so, you’ll be applying to high school this fall! Join the DOE for a virtual information session to learn more about high school admissions and options in New York City.
At this event, they’ll introduce you to the high school admissions process —how to get started, explore your school options this summer and how to participate in high school and Specialized High Schools admissions during the school year.
Additionally, representatives from the Career and Technical Education (CTE) office will join the event to spotlight their CTE high schools and programs.
The information session will be held in English, and interpretation will be provided in: Mandarin, Bangla, and Spanish.
No registration is required to join! Please see below for event details:
June 24, 6pm to 7:30pm
Click here to join us on Zoom
Webinar ID: 844 9916 9081
Or call in at +1 646 558 8656 | Phone Conference ID: 84499169081#
Event will be held in English.
For interpretation in Mandarin, call +1 347-966-4114 and enter this conference ID: 629 562 96#
For interpretation in Bangla, call +1 347-966-4114 and enter this conference ID: 716 096 972#
For interpretation in Spanish, call +1 347-966-4114 and enter this conference ID: 193 724 913#
High School Information
High School Admissions Guides were given out the week of 11/20. The High School Admissions Guide is available in many languages. It is imperative that each student review the directory as well as the Myschools website to research the high school programs available to them.
Students must create a list of 12 schools/programs in which they wish to attend with the approval of their parents/guardians.
Ms. Gallo, Middle School Counselor, will be holding virtual family High School Articulation workshops in early December.
Additional information will continue to be posted on the High Schools Information Google Classroom (code: rwvgzrf)
Registration for Specialized High Schools admissions is now open! Learn more on the DOE's Specialized High Schools page.
The high school application will open the week of January 18, 2021. The deadline to apply is February 23.
Sign up for the DOE's high school admissions email list, and they'll notify you when the high school application and Specialized High Schools registration opens. You will also get updates, key date reminders, and tips throughout the admissions process.
Opting out:
Opting out means the student will be attending a private school, parochial school, charter school, or will be moving away from New York City by September 2021. School counselors can opt students out in MySchools.
Families cannot opt their child out in MySchools. They can only opt their child out through their school counselor.
If a school counselor opts a student out, that means the student will not be enrolled in that school starting in the 2021-2022 school year.
If a school counselor opts a student out, the student remains on any waitlists they were already on. If the student then gets a waitlist offer, they can accept or decline that offer. It is not a guarantee that a student will receive a waitlist offer.
Please contact Ms. Gallo, Middle School Counselor, with any question: mgallo8@schools.nyc.gov